Teaching Parables: The Barren Fig Tree

Continuing our yearlong journey through Jesus’ parables, let’s consider the barren fig tree as a lesson topic. I’ll examine the content and major themes of this parable from a Law and Gospel perspective, present a few teaching ideas, and suggest a couple of songs that complement the lesson.

Teaching Parables: Build Your House on the Rock

Jesus is the master teacher. Through parables, He repeatedly made the Kingdom of Heaven accessible to everyone, connecting spiritual truths with concrete elements of human life. Matthew 7:24–27, the parable of building your house on the rock, is a wonderful example of Jesus explaining spiritual matters in everyday terms.

Teaching the Bible through Drama and Theater

During the Middle Ages, common folks were taught the Bible via public plays in the town square. Today, drama can be an incredible tool for relaying Bible truths to your kids. You do not have to be an award-winning actor to utilize this avenue of communication when teaching children. You just need a little planning, some preparation, and enthusiasm.  Let’s talk about using the strengths in your program and avoiding the pitfalls.

Ideas for a Family Sunday School Event

Family Sunday School is a chance for everyone, from youngest to oldest, to learn about Jesus together, serve our neighbor, and get to know one another a little better. One of the reasons we call it Family Sunday School is to illustrate that we are all part of a church family, not just our immediate family.

How Can I Teach the Importance of Advent in My Sunday School Class?

For children, the weeks leading up to Christmas are often filled with joyful anticipation. Businesses, schools, and churches hang decorations that make children mindful of wonderful food, family, and gifts!

Unfortunately, these worldly things often become their focus and the limit of their anticipation. For many families (and even congregations), there is a sad lack of emphasis on the coming Christ. Advent is one of the two anticipatory seasons of the Church Year; the other being Lent.

Teaching the Difference Between Redemption and Salvation

“Redemption” and “salvation” are two words which many unbelievers and even Christians throw around interchangeably, supposing that they both refer to the same concept: that God makes it possible for us to go to heaven.

Welcoming Sunday School Visitors

If you've ever been the "new kid" at a school or church, you probably remember butterflies in your stomach as you walked into the class. Being in a new situation where you don't know anyone can feel scary and unsettling. Sometimes as Sunday school teachers and leaders, we can forget what "being the new kid" feels like and have to remind ourselves to see everything through the eyes of a visitor. Here's a few easy ways to welcome your Sunday School visitors.

4 Sunday School Teacher Must-Reads

"We wish to see Jesus." (John 12:21)

Every Sunday School teacher wants to help her students see Jesus' love and care for them as their Savior. But every child is different. So what is the best way to reach out to your students? How do you encourage other teachers? Here are four books that every Sunday School teacher should read.

Planning for Fall Rally Day

Recently, as I was sitting in church, I was transported to the world of VBS, complete with amazing decorations, lively music, and exciting worship that reflected God’s love for us and His incredible work in creating us, saving us, and loving us. After the worship (which was led in large part by the VBS children and teens), families were invited to stay and help with some service projects and have lunch together. It was amazing, and I was thinking about how wonderful this was for my family and for the guests and church members alike to be part of.

This morning felt like CHURCH—a community of people hearing the Gospel good news, learning how to walk with God and each other, and serving our community. As someone who has been blessed to lead VBS for the past two decades, I understood and appreciated the work and thoughtful planning that went into the whole worship experience. It made me think, what if Sunday School Kickoff was like VBS?

Adults with Special Needs — Teaching a Separate Class

What? Teaching adults with special needs in a separate class? I thought that wasn’t the way we do things anymore. But it’s important to remember that one size doesn’t fit all. One type of classroom doesn’t meet everyone's needs. Just as all children with special needs don’t need the same thing, neither do adults with special needs.

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