Found Faultless in Christ

Phil Rigdon shares his teaching observations on our God-given talents, skills, and abilities while reminding us that Christ remains all sufficient for us.

Getting Started with Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum

As another school year comes to a close, many Lutheran schools are already starting to order curriculum for next year. This year, we’re excited to offer the all-new Enduring Faith Religion Curriculum. Use this post as a quick reference guide to work through some of the key features of the new curriculum.

Technology as a Tool at School

How can technology further the mission of a Christian school? Digital tools are part of the landscape, so here are some observations of how they might be best used in the classroom. 

5 Reasons You Should Use The Tree of Life for Summer Sunday School

Have you considered using The Tree of Life: God’s Promise of Salvation for summer Sunday School instead of VBS this year? Yes, I know this might be a surprising question considering I just wrote a post about all the ways to use The Tree of Life for VBS, but hang with me! 

The fact of the matter is that one size doesn’t fit all, and no two churches have  the same summer needs. The Tree of Life may not be the best fit for VBS, but it could be the perfect match for your summer Sunday School. So, here we go! Here are five reasons you should totally consider using The Tree of Life for Sunday School this summer.

Answering Your Questions about The Tree of Life VBS

Are you ready for VBS this summer at your church? We know that this year will bring unique joys and challenges as churches come together again, so here are some answers to your frequently asked questions about The Tree of Life. These helpful tips can help guide your planning this summer.

Repentance and Forgiveness in the Bible

The Law accuses and shows us our sin, warns us of God’s wrath, and shows we are powerless to save ourselves. Here, Pastor Rigdon shares examples of how God calls His people to repentance and offers the gift of forgiveness.

We Pray: Be with Us, O God

When COVID fell hard in March of 2020, our congregation ceased in-person worship for several weeks and our school went to online education. I remember how hollow and lonely the building became.

Lutheran Homeschool Curriculum Favorites for the Elementary Years

Homeschooling takes a ton of work, but there are resources out there to help! Christa Petzold shares her favorite books for teaching the faith while homeschooling. 

Changing Lanes in Christ

“Stay in your lane.” It’s a sign that you’ve surely seen as you drive along the road—perhaps along a dangerous curve or amid heavy summer construction.  Likely, you’ve encountered this sign much more frequently along the road of life. 

God Is a Peace Bringer

In this sinful world, we face strife each day, but we can find comfort in the fact that Christ came to save us. Learn more with Phil Rigdon’s reflections on God as the bringer of peace. 

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