Julianna Shults is a DCE serving as program manager of resources and leadership for LCMS Youth Ministry. With a BA in psychology and a master's in community development, Julianna served congregations in Florida and Chicago. She co-authored Relationships Count and contributed to other books from CPH, and she co-hosts the podcast End Goals. Julianna is a self-proclaimed nerd, coffee snob, and obsessive aunt.

Rev. Mark R. Kiessling serves as the director of LCMS Youth Ministry. In that role, he supports the leadership, service, resourcing, and networking functions of LCMS Youth Ministry. Kiessling graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (2006). Kiessling is married to Beth (Timm), who teaches preschool at Christ Community Lutheran School in Kirkwood, MO.

Recent Posts by Julianna Shults and Mark Kiessling

How Healthy Youth Ministry Addresses Vocation

In a recent Barna webinar, David Kinnaman said that the two words that best describe Generation Z (those born from around 1996 to 2010) are anxiety and ambition. The church is uniquely qualified to speak to both. Youth and young adults are looking for a source of identity they can trust and a purpose for their daily work. We know that God provides both in their baptismal identity and in our vocational theology.

Ideas for Encouraging Parental Involvement in Youth Ministry

Healthy youth ministry extends past the congregation and into teens’ homes. When we considered what young people need, Scripture, research, and youth leaders all pointed to parents as paramount. Parents are gifted with the role of primary instructor and example for their children in the Christian faith. In healthy youth ministry, engaged parents are seen as partners. Youth leaders communicate, support, and train parents as together they look to help young people be disciples for life.

How to Encourage Young Leaders in Youth Ministry

Think back to your first leadership opportunity. Were you nervous, eager, confident, or terrified? Do some of your choices then make you cringe now and thank God for His grace? Who helped you along the way? Young leadership has an uneven learning curve that requires mentors who are willing to walk alongside you in those ups and downs.  

Affirming Baptismal Identity in Your Youth

Early adolescence is an especially formative time in the life of a Christian—not only as youth take ownership of their faith for a future of following Christ, but also as they contribute to the Body of Christ in the “here and now” at the congregational level. The following post, excerpted from Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry, expounds on this with practical advice from Youth Ministry professionals, Julianna Shults and Mark Kiessling. 

3 Ways to Foster Young Leaders at Your Church

Healthy youth ministry recognizes the capability of teens and how God can work through them as servant leaders. Youth leaders can set high expectations for young people, engaging them regularly in opportunities to give input, serve, and lead. In living out their vocation as adult members of a congregation, post-confirmation youth can feel a sense of ownership, build relationships, and positively impact their congregation and community.

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