Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Ideas for a Family Sunday School Event

Family Sunday School is a chance for everyone, from youngest to oldest, to learn about Jesus together, serve our neighbor, and get to know one another a little better. One of the reasons we call it Family Sunday School is to illustrate that we are all part of a church family, not just our immediate family.

4 Steps to Set Your VBS Budget

It's vital to have a well thought-out VBS budget in place to help pave the way for effective planning. It's also important to gather input and share the budget with the team to encourage transparency and good communication. A clear budget frees everyone involved to make wise decisions. Here are four steps for setting your VBS budget.

Focusing on the Message of Epiphany

Epiphany is the day that the Church remembers the coming of the Wise Men (or Magi) who came to worship Jesus. This true account of the Wise Men's visit is in Matthew 2:1–12. Historically, the Church has celebrated this day on January 6.

6 Family-Friendly Advent Ideas

Waiting does not come naturally for children. And yet, the Advent season is all about waiting, hope, and anticipation for Jesus’ birth. Special services at your church help families celebrate the coming of Jesus. A wreath of candles placed near the altar commemorate the passing of the four weeks of Advent, and the appearance of purple pastor stoles and church banners reminds us of repentance. To further help children appreciate the meaning behind this season of anticipation, we’ve made a list of Advent ideas to prepare young hearts and minds for Christmas during the Advent season.

Simple Ways to Help Kids Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s the perfect time for encouraging children and teens to give thanks for all the special gifts God has provided. Here are a few ideas to get your children’s ministry started.

3 Easy Ways to Share the Gospel with Kids

What's the best way to share the Gospel with children? Whether you're a children's ministry volunteer or leader, it's important to have a multitude of methods for sharing God's free gift of salvation with children. In her book Energizing Your Children's Ministryauthor Cynthia Brown shares how to communicate the Gospel to kids in understandable and engaging ways. Use these three easy tips for sharing the Good News of Jesus' love and forgiveness with your kids at your next VBS or children's ministry event.

Teaching the Catechism in Grades 1-4

What do we do with Luther’s Small Catechism while students are still in elementary levels? Should we leave it on the shelf until our students enter confirmation class? Absolutely not! As these children develop academically, socially, emotionally, and physically; they will be developing spiritually as well. Catechizing your elementary school students is crucial to nurturing their faith development. When we use Luther’s Small Catechism to teach students about the Christian faith, we give them a sure foundation that will carry them to their confirmation classes and for the rest of their lives.

Creative VBS Fundraiser Ideas

Though Vacation Bible School season has come to an end, it's never too early to start thinking about next summer's VBS. Now is the perfect time to get church members on board with the new theme and think about VBS fundraisers to garner the support and income you need for this important children's ministry. From car washes to bake sales, there are so many fun ways to encourage funding, teamwork, and enthusiasm for VBS. Here's a list to get you started.

Welcoming Sunday School Visitors

If you've ever been the "new kid" at a school or church, you probably remember butterflies in your stomach as you walked into the class. Being in a new situation where you don't know anyone can feel scary and unsettling. Sometimes as Sunday school teachers and leaders, we can forget what "being the new kid" feels like and have to remind ourselves to see everything through the eyes of a visitor. Here's a few easy ways to welcome your Sunday School visitors.

4 Sunday School Teacher Must-Reads

"We wish to see Jesus." (John 12:21)

Every Sunday School teacher wants to help her students see Jesus' love and care for them as their Savior. But every child is different. So what is the best way to reach out to your students? How do you encourage other teachers? Here are four books that every Sunday School teacher should read.

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