A Mission Project That Fills Cupboards, Bookshelves, and Hearts

Food insecurity is a silent battle. You cannot always tell who is struggling with hunger. And too often shame is placed on those who are unable to access food and are under the federal poverty level. Frequently, it isn’t just those under the federal poverty level who experience food insecurity but instead a group known as the ALICE population: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed.

Concordia Gospel Outreach’s Food Bank Arch Book Program Comes to Life

Luke 18:17 says, “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it” (ESV).

Mission Moments: A Place of Refuge and the LCMS Prison Ministry

Every year, Concordia Gospel Outreach partners with Lutheran organizations to provide them with resources and support to continue serving their communities. These nonprofit groups span all across the country, helping to bring the Gospel and love of Christ to those in need.

How One Organization Shares the Gospel with Single Mothers and Families

In recent decades, Christianity has continued to decline across the United States. Many factors go into the decreasing rate of those who have heard and accepted the Gospel message, including the secularization of society as well as the disconnect that sometimes happens between the church and underserved groups, such as single mothers and economically disadvantaged families.

Concordia Gospel Outreach’s Resources Reach the Dominican Republic

During the summer of 2023, Concordia Gospel Outreach (CGO) had the opportunity to provide resources to a group of students and teachers from Lutheran High School South in St. Louis for their mission trip to the Dominican Republic. This group took children’s resources to share with the local Lutheran school, church, and seminary and to help put the Gospel into empty hands.

Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries Gives Hope to Women in Crisis

There are many ways to share God’s Word with those who need it during struggles or challenges in life. A simple method to spread the Good News to those in need is to provide Bibles in easy-to-read and guided formats.

Concordia Gospel Outreach LCMS Youth Gathering Mission Project Recap

There are many effective ways to share the Gospel message. One of the most practical and powerful ways to start is by directly providing Scripture resources to congregations and ministries.

At the LCMS Youth Gathering this past July, more than 20,000 youth gathered to worship Jesus and study His Word. There were also daily opportunities to serve the Church in a variety of capacities. Concordia Gospel Outreach (CGO), a ministry of Concordia Publishing House, hosted a servant event on the exhibit floor where volunteers assembled boxes filled with a set of resources tailored to help churches and schools evangelize in their communities.

Spreading the Gospel amidst a Pandemic in Michigan

If you couldn’t give someone a complete Bible, only a few books of it, what books would you choose? Likely, your answer includes one or more of the Gospels. As the true story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, the Gospels are of utmost importance in evangelism (and in our own faith). And last month, we looked at how the Psalms are helpful in outreach. We looked at how they help us express a range of emotions that show us that God not only understands but that He is also okay with our feelings. We also talked about how they show community and point us to Christ.  

God's Word is at Work in Guatemala

There are things we can be certain of in these uncertain times. We can be certain that Jesus rose from the dead. We can rest in the knowledge that God is for us. And we know and can trust that God works through His Word.

A Partnership that Introduces the Gospel

When the director of Children’s Collective reached out to HOPE LA Lutheran Church, a unique partnership began. A secular preschool and a Lutheran Church? In Los Angeles? That’s an odd combo. However, the team at HOPE LA was invited to come and teach a Bible study or read to the kids during the week. This relationship with Children’s Collective continues to grow. HOPE LA has been able to provide countless opportunities to introduce the Gospel to those who may not have heard it before. This partnership has been aided by generous donations to Concordia Gospel Outreach.

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