Devotion for the Commemoration of the Prophet Isaiah

Today we commemorate the prophet Isaiah, the most-quoted pre-Christ prophet in the New Testament. Our devotion comes from Treasury of Daily Prayer.

Reading for the Commemoration of the Prophet Jeremiah

Today is the day we commemorate Jeremiah, appointed by God to be a prophet to Judah.

Reading for the Commemoration of Justin Martyr

Justin was a second-century Christian in Rome who explained and defended his faith to the Roman emperor. As such, his writings provide a useful historical resource. Our devotion today details some of Justin’s accounts of early Christian worship and is taken from The Church from Age to Age.

Devotion Remembering Bede, English Monk and Historian

Today we remember Bede, an English monk who lived in the seventh and eighth centuries. Bede is remembered for his teaching about history and Christian theology. Our devotion comes from Lutheran Worship: Hymnal Companion.

Reading for the Commemoration of Job

As we remember Job today, we consider how God carries us through our suffering too. We do not suffer alone. Our devotion comes from Why Did This Happen to Me?

Historical Devotion for the Commemoration of Athanasius

Athanasius was a fourth-century bishop in Egypt. He is remembered for his conflict with Arius, during which he staunchly preached that Jesus is of one substance with God the Father.

Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Dürer, Artists | Church Year Commemoration

During the Reformation, art was a means by which the Gospel was made known to many people who couldn’t read or didn’t have access to books. Today we remember two Reformation artists, Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Dürer, with a devotion from Inside the Reformation.

Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs | Church Year Commemoration

Today we remember martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas, who were killed in Rome in the third century. Our devotion is from Treasury of Daily Prayer.

Devotion on Philemon and Onesimus | Church Year Commemoration

Today we consider Paul’s Letter to Philemon about Philemon’s conflict with his slave Onesimus, who had run away. Paul encourages Philemon to reconcile with Onesimus because God has forgiven our sin and reconciled us to Himself. Our devotion comes from Concordia Commentary: Philemon.

St. Valentine, Martyr | Church Year Commemoration

Ever wondered how Valentine’s Day came about? It actually started off as the remembrance of a Christian martyr named Valentine. Gradually, it developed into the secular holiday we know today. In the theme of love, our devotion today discusses the truest, deepest love possible: God’s love. We take our devotional excerpt from A Year in the Old Testament.

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