Johannes Bugenhagen, Pastor | Church Year Commemoration

As we remember Johannes Bugenhagen, pastor to Martin Luther, we read a brief biographical excerpt about Bugenhagen from Celebrating the Saints.

Devotion for Easter Sunday

On this blessed Easter Sunday, we focus on the Gospel text and read part of an Easter morning sermon preached by Luther. This sermon is translated in The 1529 Holy Week and Easter Sermons of Dr. Martin Luther.

Holy Saturday (Year A)

For Holy Saturday today, we read from The Christian Year of Grace to help us focus on Psalm 16, specifically verse 10: “For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let Your holy one see corruption.”

Devotion for Good Friday

On this day when we remember Jesus’ crucifixion, we focus on the Psalm with a devotion from Lamb of God, Pure and Holy—Lent Preaching and Worship Resource.

Devotion for Holy (Maundy) Thursday | Church Year (Year A)

Our Holy Thursday devotion focuses on Psalm 116 and our reading comes from Blessed Is the Man: Psalms of Praise.

Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday, Year A)

During Holy Week, our devotional readings will focus on the Psalm for each day. Today’s reading focuses on Psalm 118 and comes from God’s Gift of Forgiveness.

Dear Girls: He is not your Savior

Long before Jerry Maguire uttered the words “You complete me,” we as the human race have had a penchant to search for fulfillment in anything but Jesus. We look to achievement, entertainment, wealth, glory, excitement, and people to fulfill us, to build us up, to make us feel valued and worthy of our role and place here on this planet.

Devotion for the Commemoration of Joseph, Patriarch

On the commemoration of Joseph, we read a devotion taken from The Great Works of God Parts Three and Four: The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 16–50.

Reading for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Year A)

Our devotional reading for the Fourth Sunday in Lent comes from a sermon in Concordia Pulpit Resources.

Writer to Writer: Some Friendly Advice

Every time I write a book, I learn something new about myself.

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