Lindsay Hausch loves mentoring women, supporting and partnering with her husband, a full-time pastor, and staying at home with her three littles. In her cracks of free time, she devours books and wrestles to write meaningful words. Follow her journey at or find her on Facebook; she loves making new friends.

Recent Posts by Lindsay Hausch

Using Daily Prayer and God's Word to Battle Anxiety

This is an adapted excerpt from Take Heart: God's Comfort for Anxious Thoughts by Lindsay Hausch.

A daily rhythm of time in God’s Word and in prayer is a way to abide in God. As we do these things, He rearranges our hearts and aligns them with His. This is a way to soften and prepare for the storms that test our hearts and our faith. For me, there are days when this happens over coffee at the breakfast table with kids chomping down their bananas, chatting and clambering for my attention. Sometimes, this is all that my season of life can accommodate, and so I take what I can get. I’ve learned that waiting for the “best” time for daily devotions means they don’t happen.

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