Evan Gaertner is the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamburg, Michigan. He has been a pastor for 15 years. He is a fourth generation pastor, but knows sharing the faith to the next generation will not happen by accident. Evan and his wife Christi have two middle school boys. Evan tries to carve out time each week to play soccer and train for triathlons.

Recent Posts by Evan Gaertner

These Books Will Never End Up on the Freebie Table

I recently removed several unused books from one of the shelves in my office at church, and as I looked at some of them, I realized I should never have bought them. Some of the other books I removed had found their way into my possession because I claimed them off of some freebie table. I should have let those books remain as orphans on that freebie table. There are other books that I bought thinking they would become long-term resources for my ministry, but trends change.

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