Emily Belvery has a Lutheran teacher diploma from Concordia University, Nebraska, where she studied English and theology. She recently served as missionary ministry coordinator and teacher for two English-speaking congregations in Asia. Currently, she works for Mission of Christ Network in the areas of recruitment and church partnerships. Emily and her husband have a young daughter and live in Omaha, Nebraska.

Recent Posts by Emily Belvery

Christian Love, Plainly Spoken

When I was preparing to serve as an overseas missionary, one of my primary worries was not having the answers to people’s questions. After all, my position was as a Bible teacher.

How Learning the Apostles’ Creed in Mandarin Broadened My Understanding

I had only one semester of Mandarin under my belt (and most of that only half-remembered) when I moved to Taiwan after college to do mission work. My job was to teach English and Bible classes at Concordia Middle School in Chiayi, Taiwan—a school with more than two thousand students, all Taiwanese, the vast majority of whom are not believers when they begin learning at the school.

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