For today’s devotion, we focus on the Epistle and read an excerpt from Concordia Pulpit Resources.
Our commemoration today is for the fourth-century bishop Martin of Tours, and we read about him in an excerpt from Celebrating the Saints.
On our commemoration today of the sixteenth-century theologian Martin Chemnitz, we read an excerpt from The Second Martin: The Life and Theology of Martin Chemnitz.
Today, we read about Staupitz’s influence on Martin Luther as discussed in The Real Luther: A Friar at Erfurt and Wittenberg.
We focus on the Gospel text today and read an excerpt from Luther’s Works, Volume 68 (Sermons on the Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapters 19–24).
We focus on the 1 Thessalonians text today, specifically verse 13, and we read a devotion from Reformation Heritage Bible Commentary: Colossians/Thessalonians.
In our devotion today, which comes from Concordia Pulpit Resources, we read about Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees regarding whether they should pay taxes to Caesar.
This Sunday’s devotion focuses on the Old Testament Reading and comes from a sermon Luther preached on May 31, 1545, as printed in Luther’s Works, Volume 58 (Sermons V).
Today, we focus on the Gospel text and take our devotion from Portals of Prayer.
Today we read about the impact Muhlenberg made on American hymnody, and we take our devotion from God’s Song in a New Land: Lutheran Hymnals in America.