Dr. Bruce M. Hartung is Professor Emeritus, Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis where he served as the Dean of Ministerial Formation. He is a Diplomate in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors and one of the association’s past presidents. Dr. Hartung also served as a counselor, executive director of pastoral counseling centers, director of counseling, and a parish pastor. He is the author of Holding Up the Prophet’s Hand.

Recent Posts by Bruce Hartung

When You Are Seeking to Call a New Pastor

When a congregation has a vacancy in the pastoral office there is often a general sense of anxiety concerning the future.

Planning for New Church Workers

This summer many of our congregations and schools will be welcoming new church workers such as teachers, pastors, DCEs, and others into their midst. This is a very exciting time. The new church worker and members of the congregation alike will optimistically hope and pray for a good and positive start---and the beginning of a longstanding, helpful, and God-pleasing ministry.

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