Christmas music offers the opportunity for musicians to share moments of both sparkling exuberance and gentle peace. From the quiet preservice music to joyful hymns, Christmas piano arrangements provide a meaningful way to glorify God through music and create a worshipful atmosphere reflecting the wonder of Christ’s birth. Here are the top four Christmas arrangements to add to your repertoire this Christmas season.
Handbell music holds a unique place in the realm of parish music education and congregational worship. Its blend of teamwork, rhythm, and melody offers a rich experience for children, fostering both musical skill and spiritual connection. When building a handbell music program within your school or congregation, selecting compositions that guide beginners will help them take their first steps into handbell music confidently. Let’s explore the top handbell pieces that make learning handbells accessible and add a touch of beauty to church services.
It happens every year. The evenings grow darker as the weeks pass, and we all look longingly out the windows of work or school, counting down dwindling days until Christmas break. We admire the already-strung Christmas lights and cue up nostalgic movies. All these cultural signifiers shout “Christmas is coming!” And so we prepare our pantries, our gift wrap, and our front yards.
Jesus cherished children in a special way throughout His ministry on earth, which we are reminded of in His words “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” in Matthew 19:14 and “Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies You have prepared praise” in Matthew 21:16. Involving and connecting with children in your congregation is an important way to value these young people that Jesus tells us are so precious. One of the most accessible (and most fun) ways to involve kids in the church service is through worship. Read on to discover the top children’s music arrangements to integrate into your church’s worship services.
Preludes center your congregation’s hearts and minds on treasured hymn texts and tunes that inspire reflection and encourage their faith. Chorale preludes in particular draw upon a rich heritage while setting a dignified and majestic tone for the worship service. From complex and established to more emphatic and modern, these chorale prelude collections offer something special to your congregation.
In the minutes before a worship service, you might find yourself shuffling in the pew, turning your phone on silent, and already wondering what you should have for lunch. Then, the beautiful first notes of a piano prelude break through your sleepy morning thoughts and settle into a melody of a touching hymn. You begin to think about the words, refocusing on why you came to church that morning and preparing your heart and mind for God’s gifts. This is the power of a piano prelude; it can encourage, uplift, and refocus your congregation. Here are the top piano prelude collections you should have on hand to fit any service and inspire your congregation.
From timid first attempts at reading notes to performing with confidence and flourishing, Christian instrumentalists have something to offer your congregation. Even if you don’t know it, there’s probably a youth group member who participates in her middle school band or an elder who had a music minor in college. Whether these musicians are embarking on a new learning journey or seasoned performers with years of experience, you can select a repertoire that will engage them in service to your congregation and glorify God.