Digging Deeper into Scripture: James 3:1–12

When I am counseling couples before marriage, I encourage them to avoid discussing any important issues before 9:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m. Most people are at their best in the 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. twelve-hour period. We think most clearly and are better at controlling our emotions. Too early in the morning or too late at night is when we tend to struggle. Additionally, I urge them to avoid such discussions when one or both are tired, sick, hungry, or stressed. When we are not at our best, we are more tempted to speak irresponsibly, using sarcasm, terse words, and even foul language. Speech is powerful, and it can remain in our consciousness for many years.

The Book of Romans: An Overview

Stepping from the shadows of the Ausoni Mountains, walking northward along the famous Appian Way, the apostle Paul reached the coastal plains of Italy that stretched all the way to Rome. Some five years earlier, Paul had expected to see the empire’s capital and preach the Gospel there (Acts 19:21). Now drawing near the city and under guard, news of his arrival preceded him. Members of the church at Rome came more than 40 miles to greet him and escort him into the imperial city (28:11–16). They knew the apostle not merely by reputation but also by his most famous letter, penned on their behalf: the Book of Romans.

Digging Deeper into Scripture: John 6:51–69

With the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, His resurrection, and His ascension in heaven, the early church had its beginning. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the apostles, and the first evangelists, the Gospel spread and the kingdom grew. Despite this success, there were also obstacles and resistance from some early Jewish Christians, the Roman Empire, and other religious groups. Additionally, Christians practiced their faith in ways which others found quite strange. The nascent Christian congregations celebrated Holy Communion, the receiving of Jesus’ true body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine. Those outside the Christian communities took offense at the idea of eating flesh and drinking blood—common practices otherwise associated with pagan or even satanic rituals.

The Gospel Accounts: An Overview

Jesus Christ brought the Gospel (from older English, “Good-spel,” “good news”) to the world. He announced that in His person the kingdom of God was coming to mankind and that through faith in Him people might find new and eternal life. He was Himself the Good News, or Gospel.

Digging Deeper into Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–14

Many teachings in the Bible are easy to understand and accept. Such teachings include the following:

The Gospel of John: An Overview

The plain bows into the Sea of Galilee where families of fishers settled and built their homes. The villagers prospered and, with the help of a centurion, built a synagogue. The settlement became known as Capernaum, “Village of Comfort” or perhaps “Village of Nahum,” though there is no clear association with the Old Testament prophet by that name. Since the settlers built no wall to defend themselves, their lives must have been peaceful until the teacher from Nazareth arrived.

Digging Deeper into Scripture: Melchizedek

My wife and I are blessed with a large group of nieces and nephews. Our oldest nephew, who is now all grown up, recently celebrated his birthday. As I spoke to him on the phone to wish him a happy birthday, it struck me that this man with whom I spoke was once a child with whom I played many years ago. Tempus fugit! We love him, and we are proud of who he has become.

Digging Deeper into Scripture: The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1–21)

Upon finishing my teaching degree at what is now Concordia University Chicago, I was recruited to serve as a missionary in Taiwan (ROC—Republic of China), where I spent two and a half years learning the language and culture, and teaching English and Christianity. The first half year was spent entirely on learning language and culture. Mandarin is the official language of both mainland China and Taiwan, but this was not always the language used. A group of mainland Chinese brought Mandarin to Taiwan when they fled the communist takeover. Prior to the arrival of this group, the people of Taiwan spoke their own, indigenous language, Taiwanese, which is distinct from Mandarin Chinese.

The Gospel of Mark: An Overview

Forty-one times Mark describes the events flowing around Jesus’ life with the word immediately (in Greek, euthus), propelling the reader toward the cross where Jesus would die, giving His life as a ransom for many. Mark uniquely focuses on the action in the story of Jesus’ life, making his account both short and compelling to read.

This blog post is adapted from Lutheran Bible Companion, Volume 2: Intertestamental Era, New Testament, and Bible Dictionary.

Digging Deeper into Scripture: John 20:19–31

When we use the expression “take my word for it,” we are asking another person or group to trust that what we are saying is true. More specifically, we are asking this person or group to trust us. The strength of the relationship is as central as the truth being shared. Consider how many things we take on the word of another. Grandparents share events which took place in family history decades before we were born. Historians teach of wars that shaped the course of human history as if they had been there themselves. Friends and family tell us of places to which we have never been. Although we have never experienced these events and places firsthand, we believe the words of those we trust. The same can be seen in God’s Word. 

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