8 Books Every Pastor Should Have in His Library

Pastors have many roles: preacher, teacher, visitor, worship leader, administrator. The Lord’s undershepherds are also constant learners and normally voracious readers. Yet, with so much on a pastor’s plate, how can he wade through the myriad of titles to make the most of his reading time? Below are eight recommended books to captivate, educate, and enhance your ministry. Happy reading!

3 Prayers for Pastor Appreciation Month

Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? Pastors do so much beyond what we see on Sunday mornings— they visit the sick and dying, provide counseling, and are leaders for church or school staff, for example. Take a moment to give thanks for your pastor and pray for his ministry.

7 Ways to Bless Your Pastor for Pastor Appreciation Month

Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? You may want to thank your pastor and other church workers but aren't sure what they would most appreciate. As a pastor's wife and Lutheran educator, allow me to share a few helpful ideas with you. Here are seven ways to bless your pastor for Pastor Appreciation Month.

Patient Endurance: Advice for New Pastors

Recently, I was asked what advice I would give to a newly ordained pastor as he was placed into the office of holy ministry. Immediately, I said two words, “patient endurance.”

When You Are Seeking to Call a New Pastor

When a congregation has a vacancy in the pastoral office there is often a general sense of anxiety concerning the future.

9 Time Management Tips for Pastors

A pastor is a professional juggler. Not the kind who belongs to a three-ring circus. Just your average guy who wears countless hats: student of the Word, spiritual caregiver, sermon writer, shut-in visitor, service planner, administrative coordinator. And the list goes on and on.

10 Things Church Leaders Should Tell Pastors and Church Workers about Vacations

If you’re a church worker feeling guilty about taking a little break from daily duties—don’t. You’re human like the rest of us, and God created us to thrive in a balancing act of work and rest.

Dr. Beverly Yahnke, an expert on church worker anxiety and burnout, shares why you (and your congregation) will benefit big time when you take a relaxing vacation without regret.

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