A Mighty Fortress: Building a Judgment-Free Home, One Roof at a Time

Roofs are something we take for granted. I'd venture to say that most of us have never lived in a house without a roof. I was recently visiting an area that had been hit by a major tornado a couple of years ago. My friend told me the story of one family who had hidden deep inside their basement, praying for protection from the storm's rage. Protection they were granted, but when they walked up their basement stairs they found nothingness, no walls, no roof, just bright sky. Can you imagine how disconcerting that must have been to find no cover and no protection, and not knowing when the next storm would come? This is a roof's entire purpose—to cover and protect. A roof keeps out rain and snow, tree leaves and hail, winter's coldness and summer's blazing sunlight. It separates what needs to stay outside and what is intended to be inside.

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