How God Changes Hearts

A few weeks ago, someone told me I was kind and gentle.

I literally just stared at the person, unable to believe what I had just been called—but probably not for the reason you expect.

Let me explain by going back a few years.

Heather Ruesch “You Matter” Tour

“You matter.”

It’s a simple, three-syllable phrase loaded with meaning.

So meaningful, in fact, that Heather Ruesch, author of Sexuality Mentality, is touring the country talking about how much you matter.

Heather advocates for human life, marriage, family, and sexuality. These topics are the core of her first-ever national speaking tour, “You Matter,” which starts the first week of October 2019 in Seward, Nebraska. She will visit 11 states (and counting!) to talk with parents, pastors, teachers, and students of all ages. Her goal is to reach 100,000 students with the “You Matter” message.

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