Devotion for the Third Sunday in Advent (Year A)

As we celebrate the Third Sunday in Advent, we focus on the Gospel text with a devotional reading from Concordia Commentary: Matthew 11:2–20:34.

Ambrose of Milan, Pastor and Hymnwriter

Our devotional reading for the commemoration of Ambrose of Milan is taken from Savior of the Nations—Advent Preaching & Worship Resource with CD-ROM, focusing on the words of one of his beautiful Advent hymns.

Devotion for the Second Sunday in Advent (Year A)

Today we celebrate the Second Sunday in Advent. Our devotional reading for this Second Sunday in Advent comes from A Year with the Church Fathers

O Christmas Tree: Grace in Imperfection

Many of us have put up our Christmas tree by this point in the Advent season. We’ve wrestled it from the woods or our basements, matched color-coded branches or poured water in the stand, strung up the lights, and added a touch of festive to the mediocre green and brown.

Journaling Bible Marginalia | Free Download

We hope you are enjoying journaling while you read your Bible. Here are some more great Bible marginalia from Pat Maier. Enjoy!

Devotion for the First Sunday in Advent (Year A)

As we begin the first Sunday in a new Church Year, we turn to a devotional reading from God Grant It by C. F. W. Walther.

Devotion for Thanksgiving Day

The devotional reading for Thanksgiving Day comes from a sermon selection found in Concordia Pulpit Resources

Last Sunday of the Church Year

Today’s devotional reading is drawn from Concordia Commentary: Colossians, focusing on the Epistle reading that describes Christ’s intricate involvement in creation and the world’s reconciliation.

Who are your marriage rock stars?

We are a celebrity-obsessed culture. Every time we walk up to the grocery store checkout line, we are inundated with celebrity information. So-and-so got a new hairdresser, this other person wore it better, another person newly embraced religion, Brad and Angelina took their kids to the park, and so on and so forth.

Reading for the Commemoration of Justinian

In today’s commemoration of Emperor Justinian, our reading from A Year in the Old Testament highlights the humble ambitions of this ancient Christian ruler as he served as God’s appointed instrument.

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