Today, our devotion continues with the celebration of Pentecost, and we read about Acts 8 in an excerpt from The Big Book of New Testament Questions and Answers.
As we continue to celebrate God’s giving of the Holy Spirit to His Church, we read about the Spirit in an excerpt from Lutheran Bible Companion, Volume 2.
Today's devotion for the Day of Pentecost comes from A Longer Look at the Lessons: Year A—Pentecost I.
As we prepare to celebrate Pentecost tomorrow, we read a portion of Romans 8 and take our devotion from Concordia Commentary: Romans 1–8.
On today’s Feast of the Visitation, we remember when Mary visited Elizabeth. Our devotion focuses on Mary’s song, the Magnificat, and comes from Luther’s Works, Volume 21 (The Sermon on the Mount and the Magnificat).
This Sunday, we focus on the reading from Acts and take our devotion from To the Ends of the Earth: A Journey through Acts.
As we joyously celebrate today the Ascension of Our Lord, we read a devotion from Selected Sermons of Norman Nagel: From Valparaiso to St. Louis.
Our commemoration today is for Esther, and we take our devotional reading from God’s Word for Today: Esther.
This summer many of our congregations and schools will be welcoming new church workers such as teachers, pastors, DCEs, and others into their midst. This is a very exciting time. The new church worker and members of the congregation alike will optimistically hope and pray for a good and positive start---and the beginning of a longstanding, helpful, and God-pleasing ministry.
Our devotion for this Sunday focuses on the Gospel reading and comes from Luther’s Works, Volume 24 (Sermons on the Gospel of St. John Chapters 14–16).