How to Promote Your Bible Study

The Bible study leader’s greatest fear: empty seats. Nothing is quite as intimidating as cold folding chairs and uneaten cookies.

Devotion on Isaiah 25:6-9 | Proper 23–Year A

This Sunday’s devotion focuses on the Old Testament Reading and comes from a sermon Luther preached on May 31, 1545, as printed in Luther’s Works, Volume 58 (Sermons V).

Devotion on Matthew 21:33-46 | Proper 22–Year A

Today, we focus on the Gospel text and take our devotion from Portals of Prayer.

Reading for the Commemoration of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Pastor

Today we read about the impact Muhlenberg made on American hymnody, and we take our devotion from God’s Song in a New Land: Lutheran Hymnals in America.

Devotion on Matthew 21:23-32 | Proper 21–Year A

We focus today on the Gospel text and read a devotion from Proclaiming the Parables.

My Quest to Love, Honor, and Not Throw a Fit

I am prone to fits.

Not giant fits of rage, but tiny little fits that come like little storm squalls, all thunder and lightning and then nothing, silence, all done.

Except they’re not all done. These little fits stack up, and my husband and family get the worst end of it.

Children and the Story of Martin Luther

When I was a little girl, our family had a children’s book about Martin Luther. I think it was called Little Martin Luther.

Devotion on Psalm 27:1-9 | Proper 20–Year A

Our devotion today focuses on the Psalm and is from LifeLight: Selected Psalms—Leaders Guide.

3 Places to Host a Bible Study Besides Your Church

Churches and small groups are gearing up to start their fall Bible studies (or maybe yours has already started!).

Reading for the Commemoration of Jonah

Today, we remember the prophet Jonah, and we read a devotion from Concordia Commentary: Jonah.

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