Voices of Motherhood

As Mother’s Day approaches, I don’t know about you, but I am bracing myself for 1. lots and lots of chatter about what a mother looks like or should be, and 2. disappointment—in myself and my mothering skills, and/or in the way the day takes shape.

I Get It. It Goes So Fast

For Mother's Day this year, I have one small request.

Please, fellow mamas, stop warning me that motherhood is passing me by too quickly.

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

I don’t remember, but when I was young I know you cared for me. You fawned over my chubby cheeks, made funny faces to make me laugh, and held my hands as I took my first steps. You loved me.

Reading for the Commemoration of C. F. W. Walther

We honor Walther today by reading a biographical devotion from Servant of the Word and reading a poem Walther wrote about Jesus’ work for us on the cross.

Devotion for the Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year B)

We set our minds on the reading from Acts today, particularly 10:34–38, with a devotion from Popular Commentary of the Bible: New Testament, Volume 1.

Reading for the Commemoration of Friedrich Wyneken

Before Friedrich Wyneken was the second president of the LCMS, he was a missionary pastor from Germany who came to the New World to care for Christian immigrants. We remember him today by reading about his decision to come to the New World, as printed in A Century of Grace.

The Power of Pursuit

A few days ago, I was sitting at my desk returning various emails and updating various web-type things when my phone vibrated. I picked it up expecting a text from one of my children that they had forgotten their lunch or at the very least a text from a friend with a funny gif.

God's Love Is Constant

There haven’t been a whole lot of constants for me over the last year.

For the past year of my life, nothing has stayed the same. I went from my final semester of college, to a summer at home working an office job, to student teaching, to graduating, to a brand new job in a brand new town. I went from being an expert at being a student after having done that for 15+ years to being a teacher with virtually no experience. I went from knowing everyone on the tiny campus I lived on to moving to a new town where the only people I know are my coworkers.

Devotional Reading for the Feast of St. Philip and St. James, Apostles

Today is the Feast of St. Philip and St. James. We remember these two apostles by reading a devotion from Celebrating the Saints.

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Song of Solomon

Introduction to Song of Solomon

The Book Song of Solomon focuses on the love God designed to be shared between husband and wife. Through that relationship, the Lord Jesus gives us a glimpse of His intense love for us, and the yearning He wishes to stir up in our hearts as we await His return on Judgment Day.

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