Reading for the Feast of St. Barnabas, Apostle

For today’s feast, we remember the Apostle Barnabas. Our devotion focuses on the reading from Acts and is from LifeLight: Acts, Part 1—Leaders Guide.

Devotion on Genesis 3:8-15 | Proper 5–Year B

We take our devotion today from Falling into Sin: Arch Books. This excerpt focuses on the Old Testament Reading and reminds us of God’s first promise of a Savior in Genesis 3:15.

4 Facts You Might Not Know about the Song of Songs

Many Christians shy away from the Song of Songs. It can certainly be a little intimidating to tackle on your own, and there are a lot of elements in the Song that only add to the complex themes present there.

Five Ways You Can Teach and Model Modesty for Your Growing Girl

A friend of mine was swimsuit shopping with her teenage girl. After her daughter had tried on a trendy new bikini, my friend said, “I’m sorry, honey, but I won’t buy that suit for you.”

Devotional Reading for the Commemoration of Boniface of Mainz

We remember eighth-century bishop Boniface by reading a biographical devotion about him from The Church of the Middle Ages.

Get to Know Concordia Publishing House's 2018 Interns

It’s that time of year again! The new Concordia Publishing House Interns have arrived and are looking forward to joining the CPH family. This summer, Concordia Publishing House has invited seven talented students from across the country to be a part of our Internship Program. Each intern has the opportunity to work and learn alongside the remarkable staff here at CPH and soak it all in before the summer is over. Learn more about this great group of students below.

Books of the Bible Study Questions: Proverbs

As you journey through the Book of Proverbs, use these free Bible study helps to guide you.

Devotion on Deuteronomy 5:12-15 | Proper 4–Year B

Our devotion for today focuses on the Old Testament Reading and comes from The Ten Commandments Will Not Budge.

Finding Hope in the Storms of Life

As a young child living in the Midwest, I have vivid memories of being woken up in the middle of the night by my parents during storms. My mom, the parent usually tasked with waking us kids up while my dad watched the weather, would gently shake us and tell us to grab our pillows and blankets and come lay in the hallway. My siblings and I would typically sprawl out in the hallway, arguing over who got what area of space. When we were young, we would instantly fall back asleep. On a few occasions, when the storm was severe enough, we would move into the bathroom, pile into the bathtub and wait out the storm.

Devotional Reading for Trinity Sunday (Year B)

We read today a portion of a sermon from Concordia Pulpit Resources that focuses on the reading from Acts.

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