The Epistle, 1 Corinthians 12:31b–13:13, is the text we will focus on this Sunday. Our devotion comes from Portals of Prayer.
This blog post is an excerpt from Sincerely, Luther, our forthcoming set of fictional letters from Luther's perspective.
In the Book of Acts, we see the Church—the organized, formal gathering of believers—begin to form. The Holy Spirit fills the apostles, doctrine is solidified, and missionary journeys begin.
Today we focus on the Old Testament Reading, which is a passage from Nehemiah about the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem and teaching the city’s inhabitants to follow God’s Law. Our devotion comes from Concordia Commentary: Ezra and Nehemiah.
If you are looking for a way to draw near to God in the new year, refreshing how you approach Him might be a good thing. Here are four very different approaches to some quiet or not-so-quiet time with our relational God.
We read about the Gospel of the day with a devotion from The Wedding at Cana: Arch Books.
Children’s literacy begins early in life with an immersion in language, and biblical literacy begins in the same way. As you read Bible stories to a child, your dedicated time says, “I value you and want to spend time with you.” Your voice transmits meaning. Your eyes express feeling. And while you are reading God’s Word, the Holy Spirit is at work to nurture faith—yours and the faith of the child you love.
We live in a culture that is apathetic toward religion. In America, most people at least know of Jesus, but many don’t identify as being a Christian.
On the remembrance today of Jesus’ Baptism, we read a devotion from Meditations on the Gospels.