Our focus for today is on the Romans text, and we read a devotion from The Lutheran Study Bible.
On the feast day for St. Bartholomew, we take our devotion from Growing in Christ: High School Teacher Guide (NT1).
Today’s focus is on Jesus’ conversation with the Canaanite woman as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. Our devotional reading is from Fusion: Food.
For today’s commemoration of Bernard of Clairvaux, our devotion comes from Celebrating the Saints.
Today we remember the great theologian Johann Gerhard, and we read a devotion from Theological Commonplaces: On the Nature of Theology and Scripture, Second Edition.
Today, we focus on the text of Jesus walking on water and take our devotion from the Bible study Fusion: Water.
We remember today the martyrdom of Lawrence, who boldly stood his ground against the Roman authorities until the very end. Our devotion comes from One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: Christians Through the Centuries.
The focus for today’s devotion is the Isaiah reading, and we read an excerpt from Concordia Commentary: Isaiah 40–55.
Today, we commemorate Joseph of Arimathea, and we read a study on his life as described in The Gospel According to St. Luke.
Our devotional reading for today focuses on the Gospel text and comes from LifeLight: Matthew, Part 1—Leaders Guide.