Recent Posts by Concordia Publishing House

Devotion for Tuesday in Holy Week

Continuing with our Isaiah theme for Holy Week, we take our devotion today from LifeLight: Isaiah, Part 2—Leaders Guide.

Devotion for Monday in Holy Week

During Holy Week, most of our devotions will focus on the readings from Isaiah. Our devotion today is from Concordia Commentary: Isaiah 40–55.

Devotional Reading on Zechariah for Palm Sunday (Year B)

As we move through Holy Week, most of our devotions will focus on the Old Testament Readings. For Palm Sunday, we focus on the reading from Zechariah with an excerpt from LifeLight: Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi—Leaders Guide.

Devotion for the Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year B)

Today’s devotional reading discusses servant leadership and comes from Servant Leadership: Setting Leaders Free.

Patrick, Missionary to Ireland | Church Year Commemoration

Our devotional reading was originally printed in The Church from Age to Age, and the hymn text is attributed to St. Patrick.

Devotion for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (Year B)

Our devotion, from Moses and the Bronze Snake: Arch Books, focuses on this Sunday’s Old Testament Reading.

Devotion for the Third Sunday in Lent (Year B)

Today’s devotion focuses on the Gospel of the day and is from Portals of Prayer.

Devotion for the Second Sunday in Lent (Year B)

We focus on the Epistle today with an excerpt from Reading Romans with Luther.

Devotional Reading for the First Sunday in Lent (Year B)

This Sunday, we read about God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Our devotional text comes from Luther’s Works, Volume 4 (Lectures on Genesis Chapters 21–25).

Philipp Melanchthon (birth), Confessor | Church Year Commemoration

Our remembrance for Philip Melanchthon today prompts us to read a biographical devotion about him from The Lutheran Difference, Reformation Anniversary Edition.

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