Affirming Baptismal Identity in Your Youth

Early adolescence is an especially formative time in the life of a Christian—not only as youth take ownership of their faith for a future of following Christ, but also as they contribute to the Body of Christ in the “here and now” at the congregational level. The following post, excerpted from Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry, expounds on this with practical advice from Youth Ministry professionals, Julianna Shults and Mark Kiessling. 

Models for Teaching Confirmation

The truth of God’s Word never changes, but with each new group of catechumens come different learning needs. How do you tailor your teaching to meet students where they are? This post will explore teaching models for confirmation and help you decide which works best for your setting. 

A Complete Guide to Using Enduring Faith Confirmation Curriculum

Confirmation is a big step in our church journey. It is meant to prepare believers for future living and learning. But confirmation isn’t just a one-time process; rather, it encourages continual growth and lifelong learning. The Enduring Faith Confirmation Curriculum does just that. Read on to see everything the curriculum offers!

What Makes a Confirmation Verse Meaningful?

Thinking back to your confirmation, were you given the choice to pick out your verse? If so, how did you do it? Was there a specific reason you selected it?

I remember at my own confirmation service, the pastor read each student’s verse out loud before they were confirmed. For many confirmands, the idea of selecting a meaningful confirmation verse can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few suggestions to help you, your student, or your child to select a meaningful confirmation verse.

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