Free Cherry Blossom Popcorn Recipe

Blooming flowers and budding trees are beautiful signs of spring! Kids will have fun making this pink popcorn that looks like blossoms on a cherry tree.

This article is adapted from the April-May 2015 issue of Happy Times .

S’more Snack Mix for VBS

There is a camp treat people make, and everyone wants more and more and more of it! Do you know what it is? S’mores!

What Makes a Confirmation Verse Meaningful?

Thinking back to your confirmation, were you given the choice to pick out your verse? If so, how did you do it? Was there a specific reason you selected it?

I remember at my own confirmation service, the pastor read each student’s verse out loud before they were confirmed. For many confirmands, the idea of selecting a meaningful confirmation verse can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few suggestions to help you, your student, or your child to select a meaningful confirmation verse.

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