Kelly is a Navy chaplain’s wife and a mama of two. She holds a BA with a double major in English and theatre from Concordia University in Irvine, California (2006) and an MA in teaching: speech and theatre from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri (2008). Kelly is a freelance copyeditor, a sometimes-writer, an aficionado of life’s simple pleasures, and a self-professed universal stick in the vein of G. K. Chesterton’s writings.

Recent Posts by Kelly Nava

Looking Forward to Easter with the Enduring Grace Church Year Journal

Here’s a fun fact: The common understanding of the forty days of Lent doesn’t factor in the Sundays of the season, which are excluded. Why? Because even in this time of penitence and general existence in our dark, fallen world, we still get to celebrate Easter! The Church Year is full of so many interesting features and practices like this that can help us better understand our faith—that’s why I wanted to share about a devotional resource that actively engages you in it.

Take Heart During Times of Anxiety

When we have no idea what’s going on or what’s going to happen next, we can find our solid ground in the one who is the author of all things, who has a plan for our lives and well-being, and who promises to turn everything to good for His children, those who are “called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). He provides grounding through the people of His church, all of whom He has woven together in the tapestry of our lives as the Body of Christ. 

Go-To Lutheran Tools for Family Faith Formation

Scripture guides us, teaches us about salvation, and communicates the kingdom of God to us. In daily family life, we ought to ever turn to the Word and to works that keep the Word as their focal point to cultivate our faith. 

Chaplaincy and Change: How God Refines Us

When you think about our country’s military personnel—and the sacrifices they make to ensure freedom—do you ever think about the chaplains who serve in each military branch? It’s imperative, also, that we take note of the families of those chaplains. 

God’s Design for Parents

God doesn’t make mistakes—His plan is perfect, His execution unparalleled. When the fallen nature of the world and all of humanity comes into play, however, the exquisiteness of His perfection becomes clouded and subject to complication—but it is not hidden altogether. This is true across creation but perhaps most poignantly in the realm of the parent-child relationship.

The Perfect Parent: God the Father Looks Out for Us

The vocation of parent is the ultimate paradox. It is at once viscerally sweet, compelling, and satisfying—and then also just not. Not at all any of those things. In fact, parenting is often the very absence of those things, especially when life goes sideways in any of the many ways that life can.

Military Chaplaincy amidst Pastoral Shortages

“Here I am! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8). It’s a good verse, right? Isaiah sets a prime example of what our attitude toward the Lord’s will should be—what our degree of willingness ought to look like when God nudges us in a direction according to His plan. We like to think we’d say the same thing to God as this spectacular prophet of yore when asked. But let’s be honest.  

We’re all pretty awful at doing that.

So You Want to Be a Pastor’s Wife?—Part 3

A few months back, I wrote a post about how you can support your pastor’s wife. In it, I mentioned that because the role of the pastor’s wife comes with so many challenging aspects, there could be a whole field manual for women about to square up with the task. In place of a field manual, though, I thought I’d offer more insight via a few dedicated blog posts. Here’s the third of three.

So You Want to Be a Pastor’s Wife?—Part 2

A few months back, I wrote a post about how you can support your pastor’s wife. In it, I mentioned that because the role of the pastor’s wife comes with so many challenging aspects, there could be a field manual for women about to square up with the task. In place of a field manual, though, I thought I’d offer more insight via a few dedicated blog posts. Here’s the second of three.

So You Want to Be a Pastor’s Wife? – Part 1

A few months back, I wrote a post about how you can support your pastor’s wife. In it, I mentioned that because the role of the pastor’s wife comes with so many challenging aspects, there could be a field manual for women about to square up with the task. In place of a field manual, though, I thought I’d offer more insight via a few dedicated blog posts. Here’s the first of three.

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