When Contempt Threatens a Marriage {Three Ways to Respond}

Tucked into the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel is the somewhat well-known Bible story of King David bringing the ark of the covenant back into the city of Jerusalem and dancing down the streets before the Lord Almighty, praising Him.

What’s Love (and Respect) Got to Do with It?

Ephesians 5 is one of the most difficult passages for most married people to take in. We can read it and nod our heads and say, “That’s so nice!” but then walk away with absolutely no way to apply it.  In fact, Ephesians 5 often causes our old Adam to well up in the worst of ways, pointing fingers at ways our spouse fails us daily or, in worst cases, ending marriages in the heartache and trauma of devaluing and abuse.  So we avoid it. We avoid reading it; we avoid discussing it; and we hope and pray that our pastor doesn’t preach about it on Sunday.  

Riding the Storms of Marriage

And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. Matthew 8:24

Simple Steps for Family Devotions Using D.E.V.O.T.E.

“I hate trying to have devotions with my family,” the young mom confided with tears in her eyes.

Why the Fallen World Matters in My Marriage

Humanity is broken. It’s a basic fact. The world struggles, besieged by natural disasters, cancer, heartache, malnutrition, prejudice, and on and on. There is good in the world, but even when we see good, we are prepared for the “other shoe” and the next news report of disaster. But what does all of this have to do with my marriage?

9 Time Management Tips for Pastors

A pastor is a professional juggler. Not the kind who belongs to a three-ring circus. Just your average guy who wears countless hats: student of the Word, spiritual caregiver, sermon writer, shut-in visitor, service planner, administrative coordinator. And the list goes on and on.

Pray for Me

“[The word amen] is nothing else than the word of undoubting faith, which does not pray on a dare but knows that God does not lie to him. . . . For He has promised to grant it.”  (Large Catechism, Part 3, Last Petition).

10 Things Church Leaders Should Tell Pastors and Church Workers about Vacations

If you’re a church worker feeling guilty about taking a little break from daily duties—don’t. You’re human like the rest of us, and God created us to thrive in a balancing act of work and rest.

Dr. Beverly Yahnke, an expert on church worker anxiety and burnout, shares why you (and your congregation) will benefit big time when you take a relaxing vacation without regret.

Parenting in the Pew: 6 Steps To Help Kids Behave in Church

Thomas Edison reportedly tried to invent the light bulb 10,000 times before he found success. In reference to his long-awaited achievement, a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 10,000 times?”

The Forgotten Festival: 7 Reasons to Rejoice on Ascension Day

There are no decorated evergreens, no greeting cards, no gifts, no poinsettias or lilies, no colored eggs, no chocolate bunnies, and no responsive salutation. There’s just a Thursday with an extra name: Ascension. It’s not just the world that has ignored the festival. The Church seems to have lost interest as well. Most congregations have elected to forgo a worship service on Ascension and those that cling to the tradition count on few to attend. Apparently, Ascension Day doesn’t matter.

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