This post is adapted from Gathered Guests: A Guide to Worship in the Lutheran Church, Second Edition.
The duties of an acolyte vary considerably, depending on the circumstances and location of the congregation, as well as the time of the service and the season of the Church Year. Acolytes often are young people from the congregation who assume the responsibility of lighting and extinguishing the candles before and after worship services.
In our churches, we focus a lot on welcoming visitors with the hope of them becoming regular worshipers. But what about people just passing through for a vacation or a holiday weekend? Though these vacationing visitors aren’t as likely to become members, it’s important to create a welcoming atmosphere while still acknowledging that they may not stay long term. As we move into the summer months, here are some ways your church can cater to these short-term visitors.
Setting up the vessels for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper is an intricate task that requires much attention to detail. One must understand the types of sacred vessels and their purposes as well as where they should be placed on the altar. Here is a guide to arranging the sacred vessels, adapted from What an Altar Guild Should Know by Paul H. D. Lang.
The preparation of Holy Communion is a blessed and extremely significant act. Several types of sacred vessels and linens may be used, and practices can differ by congregation. Here is a guide to the most common types of Communion vessels to help you prepare for the distribution of the Lord’s Supper. The information in this post is adapted from What an Altar Guild Should Know by Paul H. D. Lang.
Confirmation Sunday is an exciting day for the youth of your congregation. With all of the extra things and people to coordinate, though, it can be a challenge for church staff and volunteers. As you prepare for the day, here are some suggestions to help the event run smoothly.
Maintaining the unfaltering light produced by candles adds to the reverent mood of worship services. Here are a few basic guidelines from Cathedral Candle Company for caring for and using your church candles.
Dozens of candles, elegant tree decorations, cheery poinsettias—beautiful sanctuary decorations for Christmas highlight the thrill and wonder of Jesus being born in the flesh! Here are some tips from The Altar Guild Manual for decorating your church sanctuary in ways that focus the glory on God and what He has done for us in Christ.
The season of Advent provides a great opportunity to stop and pause, to wait with joyful anticipation for Christmas. While the rest of the world may be singing Christmas carols and decorating trees, the church patiently waits for the coming of Christ. During this time, the altar guild and church office have a special opportunity to help reinforce the message of Advent through the paraments, bulletins, and other adornments that are used in the church sanctuary.