Resources for Milestone Ministry in 2025

Second and third graders and their parents look throughout their home for pens, pencils, highlighters, and sticky notes as they prepare to dig into the Bible together at home—along with other families in their church at the same age and stage! This is just one of the ways churches can engage families in the time after their child is baptized and before their child is confirmed. This is what Milestone Ministry is all about.

Equipping Kids to Share Christ

Recently, I asked my Sunday morning Bible study class to indulge me in a short illustration. I asked four volunteers to come forward and stand shoulder to shoulder. I then asked three to step forward while the fourth remained in place. I explained that of all the people that join a church, three out of four do so because someone they know and trust invited them. Seventy-five percent of church members joined through an existing member. This is not speaking to the work of the Holy Spirit, who creates faith in the dead sinner through the Gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ. Rather, people predominantly join after being invited by a friend. We know this is true of adults, why not children as well?

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