Resources for Teaching the Faith at Home

Being a teacher involves patience, dedication, passion, lots of hours, and above all, love for your students. In these times of uncertainty when so many don’t know when they will be returning to school, how schools may look in the future, or if students are hearing the loving words of Jesus that they desperately need, be certain Jesus is with us as our guide.

It is in a teacher’s nature to always think of others. Questions such as “How can I do my part to help?” or “What are ways I can make sure my students are growing in their faith?” may be questions you have had over the past few days. So, what can you do for your students and families? The best way you can help is to encourage parents to keep teaching their children about Jesus at home. The following resources will help give parents the support they need to be able to teach their children at home, no matter their age.

Happy Times for Younger Children

The early childhood years can be a critical time for faith-building—children at this age learn at a rapid pace, and habits and routines are starting to form. Happy Times keeps Jesus at the forefront of everyday life, even when kids aren’t in the classroom. In your free issue, you’ll find stories that parents can read and discuss with their children. Jesus-centered crafts, recipes, songs, and other hands-on activities keep young children engaged while using multiple senses to enhance their learning of the Savior. There are even tips and goals for parents and caregivers to help make the learning process at home a little easier. During stressful times, Happy Times makes it easy to keep young children’s minds and hearts fixed on Jesus.

My Devotions for Older Kids

Forming devotional habits in older children’s lives will help set them up for a lifetime of faith-focused thinking. Devotions are also a way for children to carve time out of their daily routines to reflect on their lives and their own personal relationship with Jesus. The free issue of My Devotions can help kids to explore their faith, whether on their own or in a family setting. Daily stories and Bible readings will keep God’s Word in their hearts, even while they are away from a normal classroom setting. Coordinating journal ideas will give time for kids to reflect on the readings and what they mean for their lives.

Enduring Faith Bible Curriculum for All Ages

Parents may be struggling with how to teach the faith to different age groups within their home. From younger to older children, Enduring Faith: One-Room Study Guide encompasses a wide age range to make it easier for families to study God’s Word together. This free unit, Jesus Teaches His Church, discusses Christ’s Passion, resurrection, and ascension, as well as events in the Early Church. Each lesson includes an overview and lesson prep, Bible narratives, discussion questions, activities that can be tailored to each unique family, and helpful tips for parents when teaching. 

Everyday Faith Calendar for Families

With so many things in our lives changing so quickly, help parents with children of all ages keep consistency with the Everyday Faith Calendar. The Everyday Faith Calendar can be used as a daily lesson for families to keep them connected to the Word. Each day’s Bible verse can be read together as a family and the coordinating discussion question will give children a better understanding of how the verse connects to the world around them. As an added bonus, author Kyla Rodriguez offers fun and unique ideas on how families can use the calendar at home in her monthly blog posts.

Amid all of the current unknowns in our society, know that we are all connected through the love of Christ, even when we cannot be with one another in person. 

Stay connected to Jesus with these and other free resources from CPH.


Picture of Stephanie DiDonato
Written by

Stephanie DiDonato

Stephanie DiDonato was a marketing content specialist at Concordia Publishing House. She is from St. Louis, Missouri, but called Springfield, Missouri, and Austin, Texas, home before returning to St. Louis to be with family. She has two sons and three fur babies (two dogs and one cat) and loves her crazy little family! Outside of work, Stephanie enjoys being outdoors, going to festivals and farmers’ markets, learning about history, and spending time with family.

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