Teaching the Bible through Drama and Theater

During the Middle Ages, common folks were taught the Bible via public plays in the town square. Today, drama can be an incredible tool for relaying Bible truths to your kids. You do not have to be an award-winning actor to utilize this avenue of communication when teaching children. You just need a little planning, some preparation, and enthusiasm.  Let’s talk about using the strengths in your program and avoiding the pitfalls.

Teaching the Freedom We Have Through Jesus

It’s often a struggle to understand, let alone teach, the freedom that we have in Christ. In the United States we enjoy a standard of living and degree of freedom unmatched in human history and unparalleled in the modern world. When one can enter a grocery store and find an entire aisle devoted to nothing but breakfast cereal, how can it be impossible to choose Jesus as my Savior? When I am free to live in any of the fifty states, pursue education, career and family according to effort and God-given ability, how can I be (without Christ) under the power of the devil and unable to see Jesus in the Holy Bible?

Tips for Teaching Hymns and Songs to Kids

The BRAIN, Brain, Brain, Brain . . .

Did you start singing a certain cartoon theme song in your head? Music is a powerful tool that sticks in our memory. As someone who works with children, there are many times I wonder what is going on in the brains of these little ones. What can I do to richly engage their brains in learning? Involving children in song and music activates almost every part of the brain.

The part of your brain that memorizes songs is a magnificent storage device. How useful to have the word of God stored in your head for easy reference whenever you need. Books of the Bible songs, hymns, and songs with promises for youth are invaluable in times of trouble, testing, or joy. Let these words be committed to their lifetime memory for their easy recollection.  The hymnal is full of songs that teach the Bible stories, theology, and promises of God that we work so hard to instill in the hearts and minds of our children. For a deeper look at why it’s important to take time to teach hymns and songs to children read this blog: The Importance of Teaching Hymns to Children.

How do we integrate the teaching of hymns, church liturgy, and songs into our routines to help children commit them to memory? Here are some helpful tips tried in the field by the musically inclined as well as those with very little music teaching experience.

Extending a Personal Thank You to VBS Volunteers

From the music leader to the behind-the-scenes person who makes an emergency run for more snacks, many volunteers are needed to make VBS successful. To encourage VBS volunteers to return year after year, show them how much you appreciate them! Check out last year’s post, 4 Ways to Show VBS Volunteer Appreciation, then read on for even more ideas.

Why is Baptism So Important?

Returning to our confirmation days, we know that baptism is not a mere symbol or expression of devout faith in God. In fact, baptism is entirely God’s act. In this blessed Sacrament, God brings life and salvation, specifically, the Holy Spirit who creates saving faith in Christ, forgiveness of sins and everlasting life. God makes us His child, placing His everlasting mark of ownership on a wretched, yet redeemed sinner.

Simple Activities to Use During VBS Transition Times

VBS season has rolled around, and whether you’re gearing up for the kids and fun times or if you still have weeks to go before your VBS, it’s always a good idea to be prepared with plenty of extra resources and games to keep kids engaged during any downtime. Here are some VBS transition ideas for filling extra time at the beginning of the day, the end of a station, or even during snack-time when some energetic kiddos are getting antsy.

Life After Suicide: A Christian Guide for Helping Those Who Grieve

If you need help, tell someone immediately. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, call 911, or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

I was getting ready early one morning, when I received a frantic call.

“Go straight to the middle school,” my coworker urged. “A seventh-grader, Chelsea, committed suicide last night. The school needs you.”

4 Ideas to Teach Kids about Easter

For many children Easter can center around egg hunts, Easter baskets, and chocolate candy. How do you help them understand what Holy Week and Easter is all about? Here are four fun, thought-provoking ideas to help you teach children about Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection with them on Easter Sunday.

Easter Activity Ideas for Your Children's Ministry

We all have our tried and true Easter activities. Are you ready to make a switch from the familiar egg hunts, Easter breakfast, and resurrection egg stations? Here are a three ideas to use for your children’s or family events.

VBS Decorations on a Dime

With each new theme comes an exciting opportunity to wow your volunteers and kids with a fun new environment. VBS decorations are more than just fun—they also give kids important cues about the Bible stories. However, it’s not always easy to find the right decorations within a church’s VBS budget.

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