Happy June 26! You may be wondering what makes today so special. Well, it’s not National Donut Day, not National Go-to-the-Beach-Day, or even National Campfire Day. However, if you guessed National DCE Day, you are correct! And to show all the wonderful DCEs out there how much we appreciate them we decided to make a list of the Top Ten Reasons you should thank your DCE!
From the time I was young, I was a bit of a planner. Most things in my life were carefully considered—and my professional path was no different. I knew what I would study after high school. I had already decided what university I would attend. I had already identified the job I wanted after graduation. And, if I am completely truthful, none of these things dealt with the Concordia University System, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, or the church at all. So . . . what happened?
This is an important time of year. It is a time filled with celebration, parties, and transition. It is a time when many people transition from one phase of life to another. It is a season in which many young people are excited, yet anxious; parents are both rejoicing and mourning; and teachers take a collective deep breath.
Working in a church can be time-consuming.
Strike that.
Working in a church is time-consuming.