Emily Hatesohl is a wife, mom, coffee drinker, daily walk taker, Nebraska native, new Kansan, and avid board game player. She and her husband met as percussionists in the band at Concordia University, Nebraska. After college, Emily worked as a copyeditor at Concordia Publishing House and received a master’s degree in English from the University of Missouri—St. Louis. Her job for the foreseeable future includes chasing her two young sons around and writing or editing if they happen to nap at the same time.

Recent Posts by Emily Hatesohl

Growing in God: July 2023 Everyday Faith Calendar

 “What dis?” my son asked, pointing to the ultrasound picture of our baby, due next month.

“Baby brother!” I said, pointing to the picture and pointing to my tummy. Then I dug around in a special wooden box we keep in my son’s room and found his ultrasound picture from two years ago to show him too.

“What dis?” he asked again.

“This is Ben!” I said, pointing from the picture to him, giving him a little tickle for good measure.

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