CPH Teach Blog Posts

Help Young People Defend the Faith with This Apologetics Curriculum

Written by Concordia Publishing House | June 6, 2024

The world is full of worldviews. Christians have always faced lies about Jesus and His ministry, and Christians witness best when they are well prepared. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are reminded to “always [be] prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” Prepared with a Reason Apologetics Curriculum guides high schoolers, young adults, and adults to investigate seven worldview topics, assess common false assumptions about Christianity and God’s Word, and learn how to respond “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15).

Be Confident in the Truth of God’s Word

Our world presents a multitude of ideas that some consider to be the truth. Some of these ideas or beliefs can seem good and worth incorporating into our thoughts and faith. But, as Christians, we know that the truth we seek can only be found in God’s Word. Using the Bible as its foundation, Prepared with a Reason walks through seven worldview-related topics:

  • The Truth Is Greater Than Ourselves (Epistemology)
  • It All Came from Somewhere (Ontology)
  • We Are More Than Animals (Anthropology)
  • All Things Are Not Equal (Axiology)
  • We Should Know Better (Ethics)
  • Not Everything Is Beautiful (Aesthetics)
  • Life after Death (Eschatology)

While these may seem like intimidating and challenging topics, this apologetics curriculum provides you with the information you need to confidently teach and lead. Using the Prepared with a Reason Digital Leader Guide, you can guide high schoolers, young adults, and adults through these worldviews and tackle these complex subjects. Each of the topic lessons above contains notes with

  • concise topic objectives;
  • an opening prayer;
  • questions, suggestions, and insights for instruction; and
  • methods for checking for understanding.

Teaching Apologetics to High School Students

Students in high school are preparing to enter a society that looks very different from what it did just decades ago, although many of the cultural misconceptions they will face are as old as time. Make sure they are prepared to confront these challenging worldviews through the lens of faith. The High School Student Book journeys through the same seven topics as the Young Adult Student Book and Adult Student Book do, but it presents them at an age-appropriate level so you don’t have to worry about them “not getting it.”

The High School Student Book asks questions for students to see where their own thoughts and worldviews are, with space for thoughtful reflections. Every lesson provides some historical context to the topic being discussed and a “Why Does This Matter?” section at the beginning to provide additional clarity.

From there, students will work through three assumptions of that lesson’s specific worldview and reflect on how they will experience this in their day-to-day lives. Immediately following this section, students are pointed to the Bible, where they can see what God has so graciously shared with us. They then are provided with a Christian Response that they can turn to when it comes time to answer these questions for themselves.

At the end of each lesson is a page of reflection questions where students can answer the question “What Does This Mean for Me?”

Apologetics for Young Adults

Young adults have been part of society for a little longer and have likely experienced some of these worldviews firsthand. Similar to the High School Student Book, the lessons in the Young Adult Student Book start with some historical information on the worldview and a “Why Does This Matter?” section, but then this is followed up by an additional “For Further Consideration” section. Here, students are posed additional questions on what they understand Scripture to say in connection with the lesson.

From there, they also work through three assumptions of that lesson’s specific worldview but with further concepts for consideration before personal reflection. Then, students will work through what the Bible says and see how they can respond as Christians. The lesson concludes with further examples of what this may look like in their personal lives, followed by space for them to jot down their ideas or comments on how they may respond with gentleness and truth.

Why Adults Should Learn Apologetics

Adults have more experience as members of society, facing multiple expressions of belief and perhaps even defending their faith. Because of this, they may already feel prepared with a reason when asked questions about the Bible. But there is always more to be learned—and it’s crucial that adults can support and guide the young people in their lives as they, too, encounter worldviews that are different from, or even hostile toward, Christianity.

The lessons in the Adult Student Book start by answering the question “Why You Need to Know This,” follow with historical context, and then present the “Why Does This Matter?” section. When working through the three assumptions of that lesson’s specific topic, they are encouraged not only to reflect on it but to check themselves and recall times they encountered this worldview and what their response was. Following this reflection, they will look further into what God says in the Bible and learn how they can respond as Christians.

The lesson concludes with a section on what all this means for them and asks them how they can apply these learnings at home and away from home. At the end of the lesson, adults are presented with an additional box that identifies how they can take these learnings one step further.

Scripture: ESV®.

Copyright © 2024 Concordia Publishing House.

In this life, we will experience challenging times, but God has given us all we need in His Word. Learn how you can be prepared to answer when others ask for a reason for the hope that is in you.