CPH Read Blog Posts

5 Easy Ways to Thank Teachers During National Lutheran Schools Week

Written by Concordia Publishing House | January 18, 2016

National Lutheran Schools Week is always a great time to show appreciation not only for Lutheran schools but also for the teachers who make it such a wonderful place. All too often, however, the week sneaks up on us, and we’re left without time or ideas to show our teachers how much we care! Take about five minutes to read the five ideas below for ways to show our Lutheran teachers our love and support!

  1. Buy a coffee. Or another small treat would do just as well. A five-dollar gift card to your local coffee shop can be an easy way to give a teacher a small luxury. When money is usually spent on more practical things, a cup of hot chocolate or a scone can be a nice pick-me-up for any teacher.
  2. Send a personal thank-you from your child. Yes, you are thankful for your teacher. So is your child. But why? Start your child off with a sheet of paper that says, “I’m thankful for my teacher because . . .” If you’re more tech savvy than crafty, just pull out your device and take a video while interviewing your child about the merits of his or her teacher. Send it as an email attachment so your child’s teacher has a fun clip to view during a hectic day. Be careful: if you choose to send such a video via social media, be sure you have the privacy settings set to your preference for media including your child. 
  3. Spread the word about your school! Speaking of social media, National Lutheran Schools Week is a great time to talk about how much you love your school. Maybe start with a post about what you appreciate about your child’s teacher. Then include a link to your school’s website. If your school is holding an open house that week, this is a great time for your school to get some social media exposure. You might even consider tagging your teacher in the post so his or her family and friends can see how much you appreciate him or her. When teachers see that you support the school and mission they dedicate so much time toward, it can be a wonderful way to thank them.
  4. Help with an errand. Is there recess duty you can help with for a day? Are there copies that need to be made? Maybe your teacher has children as well. Offer to watch them for an hour after school so your teacher can tidy the classrooms without distraction. Everyone could use a little help; ask your teacher what you can do to help lighten the load this week.
  5. Pray for your teacher, and tell him or her that you did. In fact, write out your prayer and send it in your child’s folder. It’s wonderful to know when someone talks to God on your behalf, and it’s a special blessing to actually read the words that were prayed! Along with this prayer, ask your child’s teacher if there are other prayer requests you can pray for the next day.

None of these options take much time or trouble, but they can go far to show our teachers that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Together, we can “encourage one another and build one another up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

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