CPH Read Blog Posts

Devotional Reading for the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Year B)

Written by Concordia Publishing House | February 11, 2018

The Arch Book Jesus Shows His Glory provides our devotional reading today as we celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord.

Scripture Readings

2 Kings 2:1–12 or Exodus 34:29–35
Psalm 50:1–6
2 Corinthians 3:12–18; 4:1–6
Mark 9:2–9


Peter, James, and John were in awe when they saw Jesus be transfigured and converse with Moses and Elijah. We look forward to the day when Jesus will return in all His glory, gathering us and all believers into His kingdom.

Devotional Reading

Packed together, Old Testament figures, confused disciples, the Lord God’s voice, heavenly glory, and cryptic conversations may seem incomprehensible. So much happens so quickly that is so far from our ordinary experiences. Even the word transfiguration is difficult.

Although the disciples on the mountain were confused, you don’t have to be. God is a master storyteller and has put these events within your grasp. Remember, at its core, the transfiguration is about who Jesus is: God the Son, the Savior, who would die for our sins and rise from the dead.

Every detail in this story frames this point. Moses and Elijah profess Him as the long-awaited Savior. The transfiguration, the change in appearance, shows Him as our glorious God. The talk of Jesus’ coming death makes clear His mission. The Father’s voice confirms that this is indeed His beloved Son.

For Peter, James, and John, this event was also about their past, present, and future. Great figures of their past joined with Jesus in their present to talk of what He would do in the future. Jesus’ transfiguration is about past, present, and future for us as well. Jesus is the Savior who came into the world because He loves us, who is still with us each day, and who will take us to be with Him in heaven.

Finally, above all else, hold fast to the command the Father gave the disciples and us about His Son: “Listen to Him!” While our wisdom and love fail, Jesus’ wisdom and His love for us never do.

Devotional reading is adapted from Jesus Shows His Glory, page 16 © 2008 Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved.