CPH Worship Blog Posts

Top Children’s Hymns for Every Season of the Church Year

Written by Concordia Publishing House | January 28, 2025

We sing what we love. We love what we know. And much of what we know and love we learned in childhood. This is especially true of hymns and songs that are impressed on our minds and hearts early and stay with us throughout our lives. It is imperative, therefore, that we give our children the very best hymns and songs of the church.  Learn how you can use One and All Rejoice for every season of the Church Year.


It’s easy to bypass Advent and skip ahead to Christmas. But Advent is a crucial time of reflection inwardly as we prepare for the Prince of Peace and what His birth means for believers. Music is just one of the many ways you can share about Jesus and reflect on why Advent is an important part of the Church Year. Here are some of the top children’s hymns for Advent in One and All Rejoice that you can add to the mix of music your children or students will hear.

Playlist of Children’s Hymns for Advent and Christmas


At this point, your children or students are antsy for Christmas festivities to begin and anxious to open their presents. But before all that, take time to remind them of the greatest gift we have ever received: God’s Son, Jesus, who was born for us. Here are some of the top children’s hymns for Christmas from One and All Rejoice that will help encourage the children in your life to worship Jesus.


Lent is a reflective and beautiful time in the Church Year. During this season, you may notice that some children are familiar with the idea of  “taking a break” from something they enjoy during Lent. Many choose to limit their phone time or, for young adults, depend less on caffeine. But Lent holds so much more meaning than simply a time of withdrawal from something we desire. It’s filled with rich history, ceremony, and faithful hymns. For a deeper understanding of what this season holds for believers, check out some of the top children’s hymns for Lent.

Holy Week and Easter

There are many ways to teach children about Jesus, and music has been proven to be one beneficial way. Children can easily pick up important theological themes and Bible stories by repeatedly listening to the melody and lyrics of hymns, which will help them learn about complex topics that they can build on as they grow older. Consider these children’s hymns for Holy Week and Easter as an opportunity to guide children in worship at home, school, school, or church during this sacred season.

Playlist of Children’s Hymns for Holy Week


Playlist of Children’s Hymns for Easter


The Reformation is a special occasion that is remembered each year by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. This historical event is one of the things that sets this denomination apart from others. It can be difficult for children to understand historical events, especially when they are paired with deep theological concepts. Use “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and other Reformation hymns in One and All Rejoice to help teach children about the themes that came from this period. Ask them to describe what a mighty fortress might look like and point out the foes in the hymn text. Ask them if they would be able to knock down a mighty fortress like the one they described, especially with God behind it.

Keep One and All Rejoice with you throughout the Church Year.