There are many different tasks and types of workers needed to pull off a successful VBS. That’s why we’ve listed a variety of ways for you to recruit, train, and appreciate volunteers. Be sure to consult these “Seven Steps to Recruiting Success” often!
Ask God to help you find leaders to teach and share God’s Word. Ask your Pastor to include prayers for recruitment in your worship time. Ask church members to pray concerning your recruitment efforts. Provide a piece like the Prayer Calendar on the Director CD to provide specific direction for their prayers.
Base staff needs on enrollment numbers from the past two years. Here are some suggestions for calculating the number of volunteers you will need.
Two heads are better than one, so be sure to build a team of networkers.
Remember to allow enough time to process background checks for your volunteers before the beginning of VBS. Also, be sure to check your church’s child-safety policies.
Set a positive tone and show enthusiasm and love for your VBS. Invite volunteers through worship bulletins, parish newsletters, and a themed registration table. Use phone, email, Facebook, or a letter asking individuals to volunteer. Send a mailing to your list of possible volunteers with a Volunteer Recruitment Letter and a job description for a position that fits what you know of them.
When volunteers say yes, provide them with the information and materials they need to accomplish the role. Give volunteers their resources and supplies early so they can prepare. Be sure to provide a training event for volunteers. Share your child-safety policies at the training sessions.
Let volunteers know you will help; then support them with training and resources. Pair experienced volunteers with less-experienced ones to build confidence. Provide tips and support for working with kids with special needs. Offer suggestions for effective discipline. Affirm, thank, and recognize volunteers. Provide childcare for volunteers who have infants and toddlers.
Commission volunteers in worship service right before VBS. Be sure to acknowledge volunteers, and encourage the church to show its support. Some ways that you can support volunteers include:
Verbally thank volunteers in large gatherings, at the daily closings, in the Closing Program, and in the worship service immediately following VBS. If your church features VBS on its website or shares photo albums or other media, acknowledge the dedicated service of the VBS staff there, too!