CPH Teach Blog Posts

A Year of Sunday School Recognition Ideas

Written by Concordia Publishing House | May 5, 2015

Those who lead Sunday Schools—pastors, directors of Christian education, and lay leaders—always seem to be looking for ways to keep Sunday School visible to the congregation as a whole. They know that when the activity of Sunday School can be seen, it will be valued and supported. Here are some suggestions for lifting Sunday School up in the eyes of your congregation throughout the year.

January—Make Sunday School teachers the guests of honor at the annual congregational dinner. Reserve special seats for them, introduce them to the assembly, and thank them for their service.

February—Print “Valentines for Sunday School Teachers” in the church newsletter. Invite children, or their parents, to write brief notes of thanks. Be sure to include notes for every teacher.

March—Have the Sunday School children sing in a worship service. Use one of the songs from the CPH music collection.

April—Honor Sunday School teachers at the Easter breakfast by moving them to the head of the serving line (even if they don’t have to rush off to teach class, but especially if they do.)

May—Plan a congregational thank-you for Sunday School teachers. Pray for them in church, thank them publicly, and honor them at a reception after church.

June—Revive (or promote) the annual Sunday School picnic. Cater a barbecue or have a potluck; at a local park or on church grounds, and provide games for adults and children.

July—Hold Sunday School classes in the local park on Sunday this month. Meet at picnic tables or on blankets under the trees.

August—Set up a curriculum display to acquaint all members with the Sunday School materials. Encourage children to show off their materials to their parents and grandparents.

September—Consecrate new and returning Sunday School teachers as part of the Divine Service one Sunday this month.

October—Sponsor a religious art show. Challenge all children to submit a drawing, painting, craft project, or sculpture. Display them one Sunday. Give ribbons to each entry.

November—Let representatives of each Sunday School class present their most recent mission offering in the annual stewardship worship service at the time of the offering.

December—Let the Sunday School children present a small portion of the children’s Christmas service during a Sunday morning worship, and encourage attendance at that special service.

This article originally appeared in Teachers Interaction.