CPH Teach Blog Posts

Free Cherry Blossom Popcorn Recipe

Written by Concordia Publishing House | March 4, 2015

Blooming flowers and budding trees are beautiful signs of spring! Kids will have fun making this pink popcorn that looks like blossoms on a cherry tree.

This article is adapted from the April-May 2015 issue of Happy Times .

Supply List

  • 1 cup unpopped popcorn
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ tablespoon butter
  • ¼ cup water
  • red food coloring

What You Do

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Pop the popcorn.
  3. Put the sugar, butter, water, and food coloring in a small pot. Boil the mixture for two minutes.
  4. Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes. 
  5. Slowly pour the mixture over the popcorn (kids, have a grown-up help you!)
  6. Use a large spoon to gently stir the popcorn until it is coated with the pink mixture.
  7. Pour the popcorn on a cookie sheet covered with waxed paper. Let the popcorn dry for about 30 minutes.
  8. Enjoy!

Short on time? Here's a speedy option to make Cherry Blossom Popcorn: melt pink candy melts from a craft store in the microwave. Pour over popped microwave popcorn. Stir to coat, spread on a covered cookie sheet to set.

While You Wait

Fresh flowers remind us of new life. God gives us new life when we are baptized. On Easter, we celebrate that Jesus came to life again. In some churches at Easter, people cover crosses with colorful flowers to remind them of new life in Christ.

Find more recipes, crafts, and family activities in Happy Times magazine.