CPH Teach Blog Posts

4 Ways to Teach Kids about Lent

Written by Concordia Publishing House | February 8, 2018

During the forty days of Lent, Christians of all ages may choose to give up something of value in order that they may spend more time focusing on the Word of God and prayer. How can leaders in the church help kids observe Lent? What are some developmentally appropriate activities for kids during this time of repentance? Here are four ways that you can help kids at your church observe Lent.

1. Focus on the Key Points

Explaining all the nuances of Lent to a child can be a tough job! However, teaching about this season doesn’t have to be complicated. Short videos are a great way to help kids understand the heart of the message during the Lenten season.

If you don’t have equipment to show a video, Lent can be explained to kids in just a few sentences:

During Lent, we are sorry for our sin and the things we have done wrong. Our sins are so serious that the punishment is death and eternal separation from God, but Jesus took this punishment upon Himself. So we repent, asking Jesus to help us be humble and admit our sin. The color of Lent is purple, for repentance. (Lutheranism 101 for Kids, p. 50)*

No matter how you choose to focus on the key points, don’t forget this: even during Lent, it’s important to keep the message focused on Jesus! When talking about the importance of repentance, reassure your kids that no matter how big their sin or how many sins they commit, everything has been forgiven because of Jesus! Remind kids that in Baptism, God has washed away every sin because of Jesus.

2. Incorporate Music

Music and hymns are also a great way to help kids observe Lent. Families with a hymnal can turn to the Lenten section and choose a different hymn to learn each week. Ask your church office ahead of time if they can share the hymn of the day in advance. This way, families know which hymns will be coming up in church and will be able to practice them at home. When kids come to worship, they will be able to recognize and sing the songs they have already become familiar with at home!

For families that are less musically talented, a wide array of audio and video resources can be accessed online for free. Take advantage of streaming music and video services to find Lenten songs that may be good for kids to learn. For example, did you know that My First Hymnal recordings for Lent are available on  and through the Amazon music app? YouTube also has a variety of music for Lent, including this playlist by CPH Music.

3. Use Object Lessons

Seasoned teachers know that when teaching tough concepts, object lessons can be a great way to connect abstract ideas with concrete reality. Find a resource like Church Year Connections for object lessons relating to each Sunday in Lent. There are books for each year in the three-year lectionary. 

4. Reinforce with Activity Pages

Coloring and activity pages help supplement learning and provide a visual connection to help students remember the message of the season. Find a coloring page to align with each week’s readings or consider utilizing worship activity folders for kids to use during the service.

*Quotation from Lutheranism 101 for Kids © 2012 Concordia Publishing House.

Looking for sample music, object lessons, and activity pages? Download these free resources to share with kids at your church this Lenten season.