CPH Teach Blog Posts

3 Tips for Finding Sunday School Teachers

Written by Lindsey Martie | June 29, 2016

Sunday School teachers are very important. They help us bring our children up in Christ and put them on the right path to Jesus. Week after week, they choose to work with kids—boogers and all—so that they can share the love and forgiveness of Jesus. Many of us remember these amazing individuals in our own lives. We recall their bold faith and their unconditional love. (I even recall a few snacks as well!) Unfortunately, it can be hard to recruit and retain people for this vital position. We have come up with 3 tips for finding Sunday School teachers.

Find candidates who might be teachers.

Seek and invite candidates in a systematic way. Start with brainstorming a list of potential teachers. Ask for suggestions from other church members, pastors, board members, and the like for a more complete list. Without a long list of candidates, it can be difficult to fill every position. Search far and wide!

Decide on characteristics and qualifications.

The board of education or the Sunday School superintendent should decide on any parameters of experience and responsibility for candidates. These parameters need to be tailored to your specific church, meeting the needs of your congregation. After you have set the parameters, make sure they are worded well without confusing phrases or terms. This will be the beginning of your Sunday School teacher job description.

Hand out and post the job description.

Ensure that everyone on your list gets one of these job descriptions. Put them in mailboxes. Send them by email. Put paper in hand. Most importantly, pray for God to give you wisdom in selecting teachers and to open the hearts of those invited to the important role of Sunday School teacher.

Find a sample job description and learn more best practices leading Sunday School teachers in Blueprints for Children's Ministry.