CPH Serve Blog Posts

5 Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month

Written by Delania Byerley | September 30, 2019

Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? Pastors do so much more for us besides leading services on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. They are a major part of a believer’s life and the life of the Church. Pastors spend years studying to help preach God’s Word accurately and passionately. For all the work that pastors do—long hours spent visiting the sick and dying, counseling the troubled and distressed, teaching classes of all kinds to all ages—it seems appropriate to offer them our thanks and appreciation.

If you’re looking for pastor appreciation gifts, check out these five fun ideas for inspiration:

  1. Make a meal. Create a take-home meal for your pastor’s family and give it to them after church. Not having to make dinner one night relieves family stress and shows that you appreciate all the time and effort they put into church.
  2. Post on social media. Take a selfie with your pastor and post about him on your favorite social media channel. Candid selfies are usually the best. If your church has a social media page, encourage members to submit their selfies or pictures with your pastor to be used in a larger post.
  3. Have coffee and conversation. Invite your pastor and his wife out to coffee. They will love the gesture and the ability to learn more about you outside of church.
  4. Get the kids involved. Have Sunday School children create a banner of all the reasons they love their pastor. Let them decorate it and give it to your pastor during the children’s message one Sunday in October.
  5. Tackle yard work or chores. Have the youth group offer to help pastor for a full day. Mow the lawn at his house, rake leaves, wash his car, clean the church, or work on other projects that your pastor may need completed.

Whether you’re taking a selfie or helping out around church, remember to thank your pastor for everything he does.